If you've found this page then you are in need of a place to rent, and all the free help you can get! This page is about broadening your search, providing you tips on how to talk to prospective landlords, and where to go to find out your rights as a tenant: what a landlord can and can't do.


Home Rentals

Even in a low-housing availability market our family of 5 (plus a pet dog), found the perfect place. Here's how. Tip one: Broaden your search. In Kelowna we have:

However, there are also rental management companies to check out:

And don't forget the city of Kelowna itself has rental properties. Sign up to receive e-mail notifications of current and upcoming city rental properties available at:

Calling the potential landlord: first impressions count!

Believe it or not, people can hear you smile through the phone. If you smile when you call, you are more likely to sound like a positive and upbeat person. Nobody wants to rent to a negative complainer.

If you have a pet, mention it last. If it is the first thing you ask about, especially when it states no pets or does not mention whether pets are allowed; you will be eliminated as a potential renter because the focus is on the pet. Ask questions, let the landlord sell you on the property, and then explain a little about yourself. Once you've explained what you are looking for and your situation, then say...“now not to waste your time or mine, I've noticed that you have no rug in the house, and was wondering if a well-behaved pet would be considered?” So now, as you can see, the landlord had a chance to talk to you a little on the phone. You sound pleasant to deal with, employed, and stable with good references. He/she has invested a little time in you, and the landlord appreciates you being upfront about the pet. They will tell you what their concern is. Some landlords stereotype people, and don't want “rottweiler owners, with their drugs and partying.” They will never tell you that, however. That is why it is important (especially if you have a large dog or a rottweiler) that you create that good first impression on the phone before mentioning a pet. Nobody wants to be stereotyped. Others, don't mind a small dog, and they will tell you that also. Maybe they just don't like yappy dogs, or maybe they don't want young puppies. This is the time to help the landlord overcome these objections to you and the pet. Offer a meet-and-greet if that helps.

In closing, although there are objections that you may be able to overcome with potential landlords, if an add states “absolutely no pets” and you have a pet, don't bother to call. If a landlord states “suitable for one person, or a couple,” then that is what they want and you should probably not waste your time if you are seeking a place to accommodate more than two.

Can my landlord do that?

If you are new to renting, or simply not in the know, BC has what is called the Residential Tenancy Act which outlines the landlord and tenants rights in BC. You can contact the Residential Tenancy Branch through this link for help in determining what a landlord can and cannot do.




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